Thinking About Historical Thinking: First Piece of the Puzzle

My initial ideas for the final project are something that I began working on last semester. In my Museum Studies class, I created a mock exhibit displaying World War II comic books depicting propaganda and its themes. One of the elements I wanted to include was an interactive game that visitors could play towards the end of the exhibit. It would be a top-down screen showing different pictures ranging from comic book scenes, movie stills, posters, etc. They would have to figure out the propaganda element in that picture and pick from a multiple choice. It would be a fun game for people and a way to test what they learned from the exhibit. However, not everyone can play the game on a hectic day at the museum. This is why I also want to make a digital version of the game on a website for those people who did not get a chance to play to have access. It is also an educational resource for teachers who might want to use it for their lessons. For that, I will include background historical information to prepare students before they play the game. Given the nature and controversy surrounding the topic, I think high schoolers would be the age range appropriate for the project. What I hope students and museum visitors gain from the game is an understanding of the history of propaganda in the United States within its popular culture.

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